For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard people express their dissatisfaction with their voices. Comments like "I hate my voice," "My voice is so high-pitched/nasally/raspy," or "I'm always losing my voice" are things I hear on a regular basis. What many people don’t know is that there are ways to help improve all of these things, and I found myself wishing I could help people find the confidence they need to make the most of their instrument. Thanks to years of training and teaching, I’m in a position to do exactly that.
Your voice and body are such a crucial part of your life and how you communicate with and experience the world. Without an awareness of how best to use your instrument (your BodyVoice), I’m not surprised people are discouraged about their voices. Why are we never taught about how to find our speaking voice? Why does no-one tell us that if we engage our body our voice will feel stronger? What would happen if children grew up knowing about resonance and tone in their voices, how to speak confidently and with enjoyment? That would be ideal, but we don’t live in an ideal world. So I’m dedicated to working with people of all ages and backgrounds to provide for them this vital education.
Sound and communication expert Julian Treasure has said that you can engage people purely with the quality of your voice. Believe it or not, you can improve the quality, tone and the very feel of your voice if you simply open yourself up to exploring your potential, body AND voice. On top of that, your voice can provide you with the means to better experience communication in ways that are healthy, satisfying, and emotionally sustaining.
Sounds good, right? I can help you get in touch with your voice.
My goals in working with you will be:
To help you understand the way your voice functions, why it sounds the way it does, and to help you discover that you can have a rich, resonant voice that you will enjoy using and that people will want to listen to.
To provide you with accessible activities that help you engage and exercise your voice and enjoy speaking at work and throughout everyday activities.
To give you tools that will enable you to feel confident when you communicate.
To teach you how to use your voice and body effectively and without difficulty in situations that might otherwise cause you strain or fatigue.
To demonstrate to you that you already have all the tools you need for that “beautiful,” “powerful,” or “rich” voice you think you lack—you just need guidance in order to discover your true potential.
If you feel that you are in need of training to help you with expression and vocal stamina in your work, or you want to find healthy ways to use your voice for long periods of time without strain, or you just want to find more confidence and enjoyment speaking and connecting with your whole self, I can help you discover the solutions that will work for you. Contact me to discuss what your concerns are and together we can create a plan that will allow your voice to be the powerful tool at your disposal it was meant to be.
Vocal richness, tone and clarity
Confidence and presence
Vocal health and wellness
Communication skills for any situation
Contact me today to inquire about private vocal coaching rates
“Don’t envy a good voice, you have one.”